Does your promo company have an employee recognition board? Whether it’s a physical or digital board, it’s a simple but effective way to recognize employees and celebrate their hard work.

When companies do things to create a culture of recognition, employees tend to be happier and more engaged in their work. In fact, employees who receive small rewards throughout the year are up to eight times more engaged than those who receive yearly bonuses.

When it comes to an employee recognition board, you can use it in all kinds of ways, from spotlighting achievements to acknowledging important milestones.

Susmita Sarma, a digital marketer at Vantage Circle, contributed a post for the Vantage Circle blog that explains the benefits and best practices for creating an employee recognition board. We share her ideas in this issue of PromoPro Daily.

  1. Showcase personalized letters. Leaders can use the board to publicly recognize staff members for doing great work. Sarma says the letters should acknowledge the recipient’s specific contributions on how they impacted the company.
  2. Include rewards. Along with a letter, consider giving employees a ticket they can exchange for rewards like bonus time off or branded company merch.
  3. Encourage peer nominations. This is a great way to foster a culture of appreciation. When co-workers can celebrate each other’s victories, Sarma says it strengthens camaraderie.
  4. Get creative. An employee recognition board makes a fun addition to the office (or intranet). Sarma suggests making it visually appealing by using vibrant colors or engaging graphics. Look for ways to bring in photos or videos.
  5. Share success stories. Did a client leave a raving testimonial? Use the board to showcase it. This is a great way to inspire others and demonstrate the positive impact of recognition, Sarma says.
  6. Celebrate large and small wins. By recognizing achievements of all kinds, Sarma says you can boost morale and motivate team members to perform their best.
  7. Promote interaction. If you’re hosting a virtual recognition board, include features like a comments section or virtual events. Sarma points out that by doing so, you can foster a sense of community and connection.
  8. Promote continuous improvement. Sarma says it’s important to get regular feedback from employees so you can assess the program’s effectiveness. Use their comments and ideas to refine the program so it makes the most impact.

Starting an employee recognition board can reinforce your company’s commitment to celebrating the team’s accomplishments. Whether you dedicate wall space in the office or create a digital bulletin board on the intranet, the board can help employees feel valued and appreciated.

Compiled by Audrey Sellers
Source: Susmita Sarma is a digital marketer at Vantage Circle, a global employee engagement platform.